
‘Feedback from The Programme’


“The Entrepreneurial retreat programme was the perfect way to reflect on a busy year. Using the structure presented by Ian Golding and Graham Shapiro I was able to fully understand the achievements of the past year and put together a solid and executable plan for 2021. Despite the stellar content, the true genius in the retreat is the ability to network and form lifelong bonds with the other delegates. Hearing honest stories from other business leaders and having honest, frank conversations about the trials and tribulations created an atmosphere in the group that truly cut to the core of what it is to be a successful entrepreneur. I’d like to extend my thanks, not just to Ian and Graham but to all the other attendees who shared their extremely personal experiences.”
Richard Kennedy – Chief Operating Officer Arcet Global


“The 2 day Entrepreneurial Retreat Programme I attended at Tudor House, proved to be a game changer for me , in several ways. I found the well-structured programme to be a very good use of my time and has served to inform my entire approach to business strategy. I met with a select group of like-minded business leaders, all eager to explore issues that we carry around but never have a chance to share. I recognised that I spend so much time working in our business that I never devote enough time to work on our business. This retreat helped massively. As a result, I now have a manifesto that empowers me to advance my business plan with renewed confidence.”
Lee Stanley – Director of Business Strategy at GSTS


“The 2-day Entrepreneurial Retreat Programme was the best way to round off a strange and whirlwind year. As leaders we don’t always take the time to stop and reflect, and the retreat programme allowed us to do this.
Through the incredible guidance and support of Ian Golding and Graham Shapiro, alongside a small consortium of other business leaders we were able to open up and share our business experiences throughout the 2 days. The content and presentation were second to none and  I have already incorporated some of things that inspired me into our business, specifically from the Customer Experience masterclass. 
The highlight for me personally, was to connect with the other leaders and share this rewarding and unique experience, as one. I started the year with a renewed sparkle and confidence and would like to thank everyone involved. I would highly recommend the retreat to any business leader.”
Alissa Koopal – CEO of Pennine Events


“When I saw the Retreat Programme, it seemed the perfect solution to my immediate business planning and it delivered more than I expected. Being around other business leaders is both inspiring and daunting, yet within the first hour, we were quickly all “in it together” and working collaboratively in the same space. The environment created was unique and the content first class. Ian Golding is a great facilitator and brought a hugely important masterclass of Customer Experience which is critical to every businesses success. This helped me ensure my business strategy always could link back to supported the customer to a peak level. Graham Shapiro is a time served leader of successful businesses and hearing his story in a brutally honest way and learning from his straightforward business approach, gave me a huge amount of energy. I’d thoroughly recommend the Entrepreneurial Retreat Programme because all in all, it was an outstanding experience which has given me knowledge and motivation to start the New Year on the front foot and to push myself and my business in a really exciting direction.”
Peter Starr – Managing Director of Chilli